
By NellyO

Purple and blue

My first full day back at home and I've spent a big chunk of it in the garden. I went to the garden centre full of resolve to just buy a jasmine and honeysuckle. Which I did. Plus 3 other shrubs as well - the strong resolve only lasts until I see all the lovely plants, then it crumbles and I buy far more than I need! So I was planting out, and also mowing the jungle lawn. And killing a big flat slug - I liked to imagine it was the one that ate all my beans and stripped them absolutely bare, it made it so much more satisyfying!

This is one of our established existing shrubs - I am not at all sure what it is. The flowers look like buddleia, but the leaves are too waxy I think for that, they look more like oleander leaves but it's definitely not one of those as the flowers are so different. The purple is starting to turn white and shedding so the garden looks like it is covered in beautiful confetti. If anyone knows what it is I'd love to be enlightened!

Also note the blue sky. Lots of Glasgow-based blippers and facebook friends are talking about a big thunderstorm there, but 30 miles up the road here it's been sunny pretty much all day.

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