
By Third_eye

The retirement community of 20 flats where I live has a row of shared bins clearly labelled with the different kinds of material accepted, but every day we see plastic bags placed in bins where they are forbidden, putting us all at risk of having our rubbish collection suspended!

A few of us with a social conscience check the bins regularly and remove such bags, happy to help neighbours who are too old or infirm to lift and hold the heavy lids while emptying the contents of their bags, but one fit and active resident has now been identified from private papers found in a black plastic bag in one of the bins and I have handed these to the landlords with a request for action.

This may sound petty, but please watch this space to see what excuse he makes, how many other people he will attempt to blame, and what action (if any) is taken to rid us of this anti-social person!

. . . (and the council might see if they can find anybody on their staff to correct those catastrophic apostrophes, too!) . . .

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