Rottnest to Rock Pilgrimage

An amazing day on Rottnest, we watched the Dolphins at dawn frolicking in the bay and Pelicans too.

After a great breakfast at the Dome we went on the island explorer and got off at various points to look around. We saw Osprey and their nests, more Quokka, seals, Whale plumes but not the Whales themselves, gorgeous countryside, massive trees that have grown horizontally due to the wind and salty air.

A trip to the bakery and back on the Ferry.

Then we went to Bon Scott's Grave and memorial site, he has his own entrance into the cemetery. We also saw his statue.

Then we had a beer at the Little Creatures Brewery and dinner at a massive Italian place with fish tanks everywhere and great food.

Back home to watch the Castle, an Aussie comedy.

Tried on some swim hats with Rachael and went to bed!!!

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