The sky put on a 360 deg showing  this morning, this is looking west, able to see our famous nor west arch.  The sunrise is behind me.  Stood at the door and clicked of half a dozen, this one to add to my homescape series.

Housework, cleaning our fridge - all the many chores that need to be done before disappearing for a number of weeks.  Some garden chores too.

Totally pooped.  Not excited, just weary - but once in the big bird I'll work on relaxing. 

What is in store I know will be new & exciting, meeting blippers will be one of many highlights in store for me. The photography opportunities will be immense everywhere we go.  

As far as blipping is concerned;  unknown, I think there will be some back blipping from time to time.  I don't envisage much commenting will be done, but I know you are a understanding lot.

Next blip maybe Dubia??


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