
It's pretty easy to lose perspective when you've been gazing up your own backside for far too long! In short, I needed a break!

So here I am, on said break, initially with my little girl for starters. My god she can talk for England and then some, and the best bit? The best bit is she doesn't care a jot! The two of us ate in an old haunt tonite awaiting the arrival of CC & Pops tomorrow. MCC talked so much that I swear she is practising for the talking event at the next Olympics! I love her total obliviality to her surroundings. Inspiring!!

In other news I keep falling back to The Eagles. Tracks like 'I can't tell you why' and 'After the thrill is gone' are just understated brilliance. 'Despardo' caught me out the other night when it appeared on shuffle on my iPod. If there's a better song out there I'll eat one of my hats.

Peace, love and let passion reign!


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