glisten... pink

on the day lily

it's been a long day - and i am cutting it closer than i usually do with posting - not able to decide what to shoot - what i wanted to do - didn't work out - have you ever had that happen? - when it does, then you just sort of stop in your tracks - like there aren't any other options then right? - which isn't true, it's only that my brain seemed to have shut down - because i thought i had it all worked out - sheesh - so then it's like starting from scratch when you're tired - do i sound old or what? - perhaps it's simply whiny - that's even worse - good grief, know i'm laughing at myself!

at any rate, i glanced over at the day lily flower - which now is almost at its end of life - it needed some water, so i spritzed it - then a lightbulb went off & this is the result - a bit of pink glistening - who doesn't enjoy pink on a saturday evening? - it's bound to make it...


happy day.....

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