Theatrical day

After being just too late to catch today's Queen's Hall Festival concert, i met my sister and went with her to see 'Snap' - 7 young Korean comedians (think Laurel & Hardy) and magicians whose props included the familiar (cigarettes, cards, red scarf, umbrella....) and the less familiar (glittery sand). Much smiling in the audience

A snap decision took me to the Kings - in luck, reasonably priced tickets still available! So an evening at the American Rep Comp production of The Glass Menagerie: a traditional production beautifully perform, with props that included cigarettes, cards and a red scarf!

Waiting for the bus on Dundas St on my way home, saw this figure: Daniel and a lion? Anyway, theatrical in that it reminded me of an actor who collected such figures. And no red scarf but a fine cloak.

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