
By Veronica

Homeward bound

At last! S returned from his two weeks in the mountains today. It felt like a long fortnight, especially as the flash new mobile stopped working on day 2, so conversations were restricted to a couple of minutes at a time, when he could find a working phone box. Thanks Orange.

He got back via a mixture of hitching and train, and I picked him up in Toulouse in the evening. Luckily the phone started working again once he was in France, since we couldn't find each other and did that thing of saying "Where are you?" on the phone while being in plain view of each other. I eventually spotted him in the distance because of the pair of battered hiking boots dangling from his hand by their laces.

Backblipped and SOOC.

When I went to the flamenco on Thursday, I took a photo of the small flamenco dancer, but it was far too blurred to pass muster as a blip. Today I decided to experiment with the "spot of colour on a mono photo" technique, so here it is; I think it worked quite well for a first attempt, even if it can't stand being viewed in large.

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