Motorcycle Sunday

Seven Harley Davidsons,
all parked in a row.
Since the riders were inside...
the jokes started to flow.

Q. Why are Harleys some of the safest bikes on the road?
A. You can't go fast enough to hurt yourself.

Q. How do you tell which one is the groom at a Harley wedding?
A. He's the one with the clean t-shirt.

Q. How do you stop a Harley owner on horseback?
A. Unplug the carousel.

Q. What do you get when you put 32 Harley owners in the same room?
A. A full set of teeth.

Q. A Harley owner and a NASCAR fan get in a fight. Who wins?
A. Everybody else.

Q. What is the happiest day in a Harley rider's life?
A. When he discovers that he can also use Right Guard under his left armpit.

My SINCERE apologies to all of you Harley riders, and NASCAR fans.

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