Nothing happens here...

By StuartDB

Port Appin Highland Games

It's that time of the year again. For many weeks now in dimly lit sheds, barns and bothies all around Loch Bender the menfolk have been practising their dark arts on the animals. Now it's time to come out into the open and show their skills to their friends and families.

On a hillside overlooking Lismore the crowds have gathered for the 527th Annual Games. These ancient events include many tantalisingly skilful games not seen beyond this closely knit community.

SHEEP STARING Last years Champion Ben Cruachan is seen defending his title against Ba and Ba Ba, Black Foot Sheep from Glen Lola. You can see Ben (above), with crossed arms and an alcohol fuelled glare steely fixed on his two rivals. Who will be the first the blink? This gripping contest has been known to go into the early hours.

COW PULLING Believed to be the forerunner of tractor pulling this ancient sport has it's origins in the days of cattle rustling. Lots are drawn for positions and the contestants take their places fore and aft. Contestants are strictly scrutinised. At the pointy end, twisting of the pole is forbidden and down the blunt end hands must remain on the animal's tail at all times. Interfering is not tolerated. Each contestant brings his supporters along to distract the judges. When he sees any cheating the judge leaps into the air and shouts, "Bull - Och I the noo" roughly translated, it means "I saw where you touched the animal". Etymologists say the word has passed into the English language.

BULL BALANCING A recent addition to the games, introduced in 1745. The contestant has to stand erect on the animals back when the Lismore ferry leaves and remain there until it reaches the Port Appin jetty. A fun filled event with lots of audience participation. Bull Baiting, the act of throwing your food at the animal is permitted - usually sandwiches - but tinned food and bottles are banned.

CHICKEN CHUCKING The 2012 event was banned after complaints were made to the RSPCCC. According to this year's programme the games committee is considering replacing the ancient sport with Peasant Pitching (or is that a misprint... pheasant???)

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