Young Starling

It's been a lovely, summery day.  We spent the morning in Leeds where I replaced my walking boots and rucksack, which gave up the ghost in Switzerland.  I can't complain as I'd had both for many years so they had served me well.  I'm looking forward to trying out my new Scarpas on a walk with friend Helen tomorrow, and my rucksack!

Back at home it was mowing the grass and watering the beds, then up to the allotment to try and blip butterflies.  It's been worrying in recent years, how few butterflies we have had.  Apart from a couple of cabbage whites, I didn't see any.  So it was back to the elder tree and here is one of the juvenile starlings who have to fight hard to get a look in on the feeders when the adults are around.  This one was on lookout.

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