Against the Flow

Today was forecast lovely and didn't disappoint.
I fancied a trip out, but am also playing taxi for Mrs IttH this week (one car is still in France) so decided to use that to me and the pooch's advantage. I put my thinking cap on for somewhere flat and beautiful, but with mountain views - somewhere with some water for Pushka would also be a good idea - and out of nowhere the tourist trap that is Tarn Hows sprang to mind.
Surely a bad idea on a Monday in August with a glorious forecast?
But it's was early...I'm local and know the back roads.....hmmmmm

Arriving we were only the second car in the car park, and a few hundred yards later we met the owner of the other car, 80 year old Mabel, sat on a rock drinking in the view and a nice cup of tea.

Pushka and I wandered the shore, one of us in and out of the water, happy as, well, a dog in water. The only disappointment was the three bunches of flowers we found - probably left in remembrance - something I don't object to, but I do object to the pink plastic ribbon tying one bunch to a tree and the coloured celophane of the other two. I left the flowers (not worth the argument of non native species) and took away the litter, hopefully leaving Tarn Hows as beautiful as it should be.

The added joy for our day (apart from an ice cream from the van that had parked up by the time we left) was in passing the huge tailbacks of traffic making their way into the centre of the Lakes as we drove away & home.

*I was torn for choice of Blip today. Whilst perhaps not as classic a view there was something special about the light coming through the trees today.

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