Under Lochend Road

I was lamenting to arclight earlier in the day that I had no more Cigs left in the bank to blip.

And in spite of a lot of miles pencilled in on the first day back at work, I had no great confidence in finding anything.

So off I went - out into the 'hood; then a long drag out to South Queensferry in the sun; passing plenty I've already blipped.

And then a long ride back into town with a few more miles to do. Nothing, nothing, nothing.

But finally as I'm steaming along the cycle path suddenly the brakes get hauled on as I grind to a halt; spin around and - yup! There it is!

Dated 16; alongside Keft; with the strap line LMFAO. Even though the smiley is more unhappy / uncertain than LMFAO...

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