It´s always raining somewhere

Took this photo on our way home from Helsinki, we were here at 01:30. In the morning Emma went to school, theree days later than others. It must take some tome to adjust to school and norman life! Next two weeks will be exercise free for Emma, body needs to rest.

In the evening me and Emma visited Tampere, we did some shopping and visited Art Centre Mältinranta. I loved Salla Laurinolli's works, especially her painting called Aina jossakin sataa = It´s always raining somewhere. There was also a peculiar group exhibition of Emma Ainala, Hemuloordi, Ninni Luhtasaari ja Verna Tervaharju =

Weather was terrible, but all family is home and it makes me feel warm and bright :)

+15°C, cloudy, windy, gloomy, rainy

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