Vintage Chimneys

Real feeling of deja vu this morning as I set out for town to take some photographs of chimneys. The fog horn was wailing out and the mist was thick. I'm supposed to be flying out at 7.15 tomorrow and in the last couple of years just about every flight has been delayed by at least one day. But looking at the arrivals/departures website it may not be as bad as I thought.
I haven't checked again because no matter how many times I check it won't change the weather.

I headed into town snapping chimneys and things as I went and called at the post office to collect another parcel which I had a text about just as I left home. They didn't have it and said I'd have to leave it a couple of hours. I went back over two hours later and they still didn't have it so I said I'd wait while they traced it. It was found at the postal headquarters instead of the town post office and it will take at least 24 hours to get it into town; its all of 25 minutes walk! But since I don't really need it until I get back next week I said I'd call in then. With any luck they will have moved it to town without losing it by then.

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