Littlemouse Adventures

By LitlemouseLilly

Praying for my bag

On my way to the tram stop this morning I could smell cat pee, I feared that maybe the cat had peed in the washing and I hadn't realised, then I wondered if the cat had peed on my sandals or if I'd somehow managed to step in pee without realising it.

Well nope it was none of these, the cat had in fact peed on my bag, my bag that has my work laptop in it. It was too late to go home and find another bag so onto the tram I went ..... Smelling of cat pee. And even worse as I was walking to the tram from the car I felt a drip go down my leg :(

Arrived at work and first thing I did was empty my bag, laptop fine, the laptop compartment is well protected. Next I rinsed bag in sink and popped it out on the window ledge to dry.

Sadly it still smelt strongly of pee :(

Since being home I have soaked in biological washing powder, rinsed and now it's drying. Fingers crossed attempt one works.

If not attempt 2 will involve bicarbonate of soda.

Attempt 3 vinegar.

Working my way up to the washing machine.

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