Common Enchantments

By MaryElizaR

A long long day

We left our last hotel location at 8:30am to start the drive home which would take until 6:30pm barring unforseen obstacles...such as road construction(the first was less than 30 minutes after we got going), a puppy in the road which our great bus driver did not hit and also did not wreck the bus while he was slamming on the brakes to avoid the killing, two wrecks, more road construction, a lane shift for some reason we could not fathom as nothing was going on, a major downpour of rain which caused the traffic to stop and start (my blip is this, excuse the quality as it is a phone photo  taken over the seats ahead of me, out the front window) and then Charlotte, North Carolina, where we got caught up in the going home traffic of gazillions of people heading in the same direction as us.   Aaannnndd..we still have about an hour and a half to go... barring unforseen  obstacles!!!!

That Welcome to South Carolina sign we just drove by  sure did look good!  

I am not really complaining as it has been a great 16 days of being a tourist, I did not have to drive, the food was good and new friends are wonderful!!  But it sure will be good to sleep in my own bed!!!

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