
By tpd


Another scorcher! No, honestly, it was really hot. And sunny. I've even got a hint of a tan.

Off to Kelburn this morning (home of the castle to which this owl is attached; as far as I remember the render on the castle needed replacing so at the suggestion of his daughter Lord Glasgow commissioned some Brazilian graffiti artists to paint the building. Originally this was supposed to be temporary however it's still there (although large chunks are under scaffolding now) so I guess it's maybe semi-permanent...) for +2/3 to have a hack around the estate; to say she was excited was a gross understatement and she absolutely loved it (extra #2). After that a quick trip to the Yacht Haven to stare at some very large boats (anyone got a spare £300k?) and look down the Clyde (extra #1) before heading back to get some fish suppers to share with the grand parents, a walk and the continuation of the dreaded Horse-opoly. 

There were more tears.

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