Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching


Apparently the Middle English "bat" meant a lump of something so a brickbat is a lump of brick; but it is also a metaphor for a barbed criticism. This is an alleyway in Leatherhead. There was once a man known as Happy Jack living here who in the eighteenth century was up before the magistrates for being drunk and disorderly. Of his own volition he offered to leave the area and "go abroad" - to Bookham, some five miles away. The world was bigger then.

I remain calm at work and philosophical. Mrs F came back from holiday today and said I looked well, which is good. Earlier in the day TSM said I was a changed man, also in a positive way.

Shopped in Guildford this evening. The warm and muggy weather is set to give way to rain f or the next couple of days which will be a relief.

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