Getting The Latest Medal Updates

I've got a bit of catching up to do here. Got struck down by some kind of virus and felt quite unwell for a few days. I possibly never completely got rid of the bug that I was fighting a month ago. Catching up with a few people it seems that I'm not the only one. It might offer further explanation for the big ups and downs I've been experiencing of late. 

On the plus side I couldn't really have picked a better time to be locked down in my flat with zero energy. The entertainment from Rio has been amazing. It always means more when you know the names and the stories so the cycling has been particularly compelling, but the Triathlon today was something else again. It was kind of surreal to watch the Brownlees compete against the magical backdrop of Rio. Especially for Ali, the road to get there from London has been far from straightforward, yet both lads, like so many Brits, delivered on the day. Their moment in the sun is grounded in gritty training rides such as this. That seems like a very long way away now, both in time and distance.

Huge apologies for my absence from blip and thanks once again for those of you who still drop by. I just haven't been able to go near the computer. I did manage to pop out into my front garden to take a few photographs each day so I've now got yet more holes to fill in the journal. 

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