It's World Photography Day today. And we said goodbye to Rosie as she travels to Soul Survivor, she's heading up a team & taking some seminars. And we said hello to Polly & Matt who arrived back from South Africa, leading a group working in a feeding centre for 1,000 people, daily, and orphanage. Proud parents! Sadly, I wasn't ready to grab a photo so here's the little, battered, faithful camera that has helped capture 901 blips, countless meetings, events, occasions and oddities and helped tell stories of people who might otherwise be not quite as known. It's helped me to look more, see more, enjoy more and share more. Yipeeeeee!

And as it's World Photography Day .......
The first digital camera was made in 1975. It was developed by an engineer in Kodak Company and took 23 seconds to create first photograph. The camera only recorded black and white photographs of 0.1 megapixels and weighed 8lb.
There are 12 Hasselblad cameras on the surface of the moon. They were left there after moon landings to allow for the extra weight of the lunar rock samples to be brought back

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