A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Party time

Could not be less representative of my day...but another picture from the amazing Bilbao hotel would not be representative either and the only thing that would....the steering wheel and dashboard of the car would be super dull. Though shiny clean as I used the HOURS spent in traffic today cleaning it with the free wipes given on our way down in our Le Grand Depart goodie bag.

Things I can confirm are that France is still enormous and the invention of the toilet seat has still not come to the attention of any service station owner. The sat nav again hid the allegedly shortest and quickest route at number 4, though given what happened en route perhaps it was trying to tell me something. Though I was kind of relieved when it briefly took me off the Motorway and onto an A road as the scenery vastly improved and when we rejoined the Motorway it was also a two-lane road.

Today's entertainment started off being a John Le Carre story but it was surprisingly dull, so I mainly went with Animal Farm as Anna is reading it and I wanted to refresh my memory - a good idea as it is a) excellent and b) I had forgotten lots of little details. Also some Cabin Pressure episodes for light relief. I may give Le Carre another go tomorrow.

No fancy upgrade here but as I am now at my third time staying at the hotel in Chartres it is starting to have a homely quality. And after a rather lovely restorative room service dinner for me (Albi just had her own food today) we took a late evening stroll around town to find the market place rocking with live music and a light show on the Cathedral.

Final straight tomorrow...

Lesley x

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