Home, Sweet Home

Well, I always leave shops like this disenchanted.  Or is it envious.
Knowing what I could achieve back home with the inspiration, not to mention cash, to give the entire place a makeover.
Inevitably that would have to start with the kitchen as it is always the most habited and used part of the house. I always think that my culinary skills are well served with the kitchen as it is. But we have lived here for a long time and I am first to admit that changes would not be out of place, especially if it meant a complete redesign.
We did do that once before, and most of the installation work we did ourselves.
But I was alarmed when I removed some old tiles from behind where the cooker used to be, and the entire plaster fell off the wall as well. I well remember a quick bank holiday course in plastering.
But it all worked and everything came together, the new cabinets, kitchen units and equipment were installed and the electrics and plumbing checked out.
Could I do it again?  I am not sure that my DIY skills are as capable as they once were. Or is it inclination?

Either way, visits to DIY stores and the sight of just the possibilities of new kitchen layouts does make me envious. And then there’s the bathroom, bedrooms, living rooms. Oh, and the garden!

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