Colin Parte

By ColinParte


I spent some very enjoyable time standing in Belfast's Cornmarket this afternoon, watching and listening to a Christian church group of all ages and many races. My extended time there resulted in interesting conversations with Maxine (from Liberia originally) and Patience (from Zimbabwe) around my utter lack of religion and their obvious enthusiasm for the subject. Lovely people. I wish them well. My Blip is of one of their company, and of course, in my nervousness, I forgot to ask her name. With that winning smile, I'm naming her Angel.
Extras below include another, more local, religious devotee, the home of a rough sleeper in East Belfast, hidden behind some bushes and a wall on a busy thoroughfare and lastly, a view of the M3 rail bridge. All best seen big, if you have the opportunity. 
Off to a family wedding tomorrow! Expect a Blip.

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