He drives the Scots Guardsman......

....I wish I could!

I decided to whizz along to Piccadilly Station this morning as the Scots Guardsman was passing through. I do love a steam train, there is something romantic about them. I love the smell, the thunder beneath your feet as they power by you and hiss of steam that envelopes the station. It was only stopping for a few minutes, but I wanted to see it.

I arrived about twenty five minutes before it was due and there were three people waiting right at the end of the platform with cameras in their hands...also steam lovers. I leaned against a post and fiddled around with settings as I waited. After a few minutes one of the men came up to me, "Are you waiting for the steam train?" I said I was. "Well are you going to stay there because you'll be in every shot." I bit my tongue and and said I would be going further down the platform when it was due. This arrogant git moaned at everyone who moved around the platform, he really thought that he had his spot and no-one should block his view of the train. When an excited little boy moved forward as the Scotsman came into sight he actually shouted for him to move.....grrrr. 

On Facebook I have shared a poster that says...Sometimes the most soul cleansing, spiritual thing you can do is tell someone to fuck off...sorry if this offends but I was tempted to cleanse my soul, when a change of track intervened. We all moved across from track 14 to 13 and  Mr Iwasherefirstsodon'tgetinmyway was engulfed in a surge of steam lovers. Hah!!

Anyway, I took a few pics and got the driver to give me a smile before the mighty engine snorted out a cloud of steam and rolled out of the station....magnificently.

As for the rest of the day....I had brunch at Jude's, I did a bit of scrap booking, I Skyped a friend and I sat out in my neighbours garden and drank salted caramel vodka. A good day :))

So....yesterday an idea was put into my head about going on a travelenture, a blipathon around the country. I can't get the idea out of my head now. It would be interesting to sort of make a plan and think more about this....so is anyone interested in meeting? Where are you in the country? It's fun to plan and who knows it may happen.....

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