Jose O'Sheas...

We headed back tomorrow so we made a start on the packing. We're most certainly going to be weightier than on the way over due mostly to the stuff the kids have picked up.

After that I took a wee trip up to Red Rocks Amphitheatre by myself. Everyone else went up yesterday. Red Rocks is a naturally formed acoustic hot spot in the rocky mountains that has been man formed into a rather unique concert venue.  It also houses a museum and event venue.

It's quite cool that they just let general public into to see it for free before noon.  It seems to have become a bit of an exercise venue as well. You're presented with loads of people either jogging round the bleachers, doing push ups and climbing them as steps. At a mien above sea level, the thinner atmosphere does make this quite challenging.  I tried the large half jump steps it takes to go from b9ttom to top in one bleacher per step.  Made it to within 5 steps.

On the way back I took the opportunity of sans kids to take a look at the dinosaur fossils across the road on what is called the hog back ridge...  for obvious reasons.

At night we headed out to Jose O'Sheas for a wee thank you dinner for everyone for putting us up. We've actually been before and it was just as good as before.

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