Deeping Lakes

Today (Sunday) we put the trailer to good use again and went to Deeping Lakes.  The last time we went we saw mostly swans, cormorants and a heron (plus a number of ducks).  Guess what we saw this time?  Nevertheless we had a very pleasant hour or so there, and having the mobility scooter Mrs W was able to get around and see more.  To be honest she would not have been able to walk it now.
I did not get a lot of spectacular shots, and the telephoto ones with the Sigma 170-500 were not up to much at all.  I did get to play with the big stopper again, and there is a sample at ‘Extra’.  The 8 second exposure did give a smoothing effect on the rippled surface of the water (it was blowing hard again) so I am not too disappointed.  Never fear – I’ll shall continue to bore you with my experiments for some time to come (maybe).  The blip is an action shot of my Mrs W.

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