Meanwhile, at the coast..

By meancoast

Oh my knees hurt…….

……because I've been clearing out cupboards so that Amanda the plumber can fit the new gas hob……it was a messy business…..a bottle of soy sauce (actually, possibly more than one) had fallen over (obviously some time ago), leaked and soaked into a couple of bags of flour then set solid….the bags then, of course, promptly burst when I tried to move them. And then, in other Bad Monday News, major internet problems (it's been well dodgy for the last couple of days) but today it just wasn't working at all…..a half-hour phone call to Virgin tech support this afternoon had me crawling under the kitchen table checking ethernet cables, checking the status of the flashing lights on the hub in the dining room, changing security settings, looking for (and luckily finding!) passwords I haven't used for donkey's years……yep, it's been all go today……

And I could SWEAR the guy on the other end of the phone was Roy from The IT Crowd's Scottish evil twin Callum……….with an occasional dash of Moss…….  

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