What to photograph...

... on a very wet day when the sun suddenly appeared. It had to be a flower.

Given my ongoing problems with Photoshop CC, the only processing was a crop to the image.

As for Adobe. I managed to contact them by phone and explained the situation was not my fault. Indeed, presumably for their own admin reasons, the firm had created a different version of my address. The original version had my full name and address. Adobe's new version started with my full name then the town in capital letters followed by my postal address. They then expected PayPal to pay up with that information. It is a credit to PayPal that they didn't do so. Of course I could be dead before Adobe apologises.

It gets better - a bit!!

I have now opened a new account with a second email address and paid for a year in advance. Then I signed in to get re-started. Lightroom is not a problem but PS will not open. This turns out to be a problem experienced by Adobe generally and may take 24 hours to sort.

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