Recipes from "home"

Today was a cooler morning so I took advantage of it and spent a bit of time on the back porch/deck doing some cleaning up.

I did the fun stuff of cleaning where a cat ate too fast and then lost it. The blood spots from a fight that took place while I was gone with the nasty wild Tom cat and things like that. I also thoroughly cleaned and refilled the hummingbird feeders.

After a trip to the grocery store I began putting together a couple of recipes I brought back from my trip. Peanut butter mallow squares which I love but are so rich. Then when having a cuppa with Myra, one of the many goodies she had were malteser truffles. Mum and I got the recipe from her and today I made my first batch

Now I'm off to get my hair cut and can't wait. 3 months is a very long time between cuts when you have short hair!

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