Explore, Dream, Discover

By Snowcycle

Metal Giraffes or Dreaming Spires

Awful toothache yesterday. Managed the pain, but as it hasn't gone away, its down to the dentist. Thankfully nothing major, just a 'husk' lodged between gum and tooth.

On the way back, I decide to make a blip of the metallic giraffes in front of the entertainment complex at the Picardy Place roundabout. They were originally grey, but this black makes them stand out much more.

Dreaming Spires are scrap metal sculptures by Helen Denerley. Picasso pioneered the use of scrap metal and other materials to form a 3D sculpture.

They have been named Martha and Gilbert, apparently by the artist and her team.

In their eyes and around the based of the sculptures is a poem by Roy Campbell, written in 1946:
'Giraffes'. - a People Who live between earth and skies Each in his own religious steeple Keeping a lighthouse with his eyes

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