Garden hose fun

We picked up Ella and Nathaniel this morning - the parents were off to Yorkshire for 3 days - last chance before #3 daughter is back to work and husband is back on weekend night work, so we are having the children.

They were very excited to see the camper van - Nathaniel sat 'driving' while Ella went up the ladder to her bed. They played at going to work, coming home, going to bed etc.

It was so warm we were able to get out the paddling pool which needed a good clean up as it is 3 years ago since we last used it. ella enjoyed herself in charge of the hose to fill up the pool. She didn't mind that it was very cold water - it took little brother a while to get into the fun of it. We were all soaked by the time the pool was filled. The children were sensible and took off their clothes first, unlike us.

We'll all be ready for bed tonight. We hope it will continue fine tomorrow and if we can get the seating organised and a picnic made,we'll go to the beach in the van. Mr C bought 2 child camping chairs at Lidl so it'll be fun.

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