Tuesday: The Back Approach

I haven't quite hit my blip stride yet in that I seem to miss opportunities during the day and am left without much. That happened today so I'll share with you my approach home as I come up, through the garden, from the garage.

I forgot to tell you yesterday about our bike theft. My Dutch colleague lent us two bikes for an event we were supposed to be taking part in. They were stored in the garage at work - and one of them has been stolen........I'm mortified.....my colleague was very understanding and apparently Vancouver is the bike theft capital of Canada.

I did think I had left the circuit of National Days behind me when I left Croatia - nope, I had the pleasure of Indonesian National Day this evening.

And finally, I haven't had much time for reading recently but I did finish W Somerset Maugham's 'Of Human Bondage'. I enjoyed it as much now as when I first read it many years ago.

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