and through the wire...

By hesscat

Yosemite - Mirror Lake


An early rise to have a swim in the outside pool before breakfast, but Ms H decided to get some more zeds.
We attempted to find something to see downtown in Fresno but ran out of time, so headed up towards Yosemite National Park and arrived about 4pm. We passed another Trump sign on the way, I reckon since we have been over here, we have seen 6 for Trump and about 2 for Clinton... what does that tell you. This time he appeared to be taking on the persona of Gru... but I don't trust those Minions with the NRA!
After checking into our cabin, we had 4 deer wander past and loads of blue jays and ground squirrels abound. We headed off on a short hike to Mirror Lake which is at the foot of Half Dome. It isn't actually a lake, but just a wider part of the river which had stopped flowing in the summer. The lake did in fact provide lovely reflections of the mountains.
The usual extras are attached of some of our travels.

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