Wild Wednesday

Another hot day with possible thundery showers on the way. I didn’t sleep well at all last night, partly the heat and partly things on my mind about a friendship that has becomed strained and very hard work from my end. I'm feeling like I can't keep listening to the same negative telephone conversations but how to bring it up with the person without hurting them? I'm a bit of coward and would rather not deal with it but I think I'm going to have to as it can't go on. Would appreciate any advice.

Another common carder bee for Wild Wednesday but on the last of the gladioli. I love this shot of it wiping the pollen off it's back before it crawled to the top of the flower and flew off. Thanks to Cailleach for hosting.

I can highly recommend the book I mentioned yesterday, Dead Scared by S.J. Bolton, if you like a creepy fast police thriller.

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