Feeling prickly

It seemed to me that I hardly slept last night, it was more a sort of long, broken doze, and by half past five this morning I'd had enough, made a cup of tea and didn't go back to sleep... so by rights I'm not feeling as prickly as I should be!

The day so far:-
Dog walk, but not as long as usual.
Checking on the vegetable garden and extra water for some.
Down to the valley for an hour of trying to speak Catalan, not very successfully today... in fact I'm sure I get worse.
Much needed supermarket shopping as it's been at least three weeks.
Lunch after putting the shopping away.
Cleaning the inside of the car, and goodness I could certainly see where I'd been!
And now we're having two hours in the village house to use the internet... but it's not a very exciting day for Steve's birthday is it?

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