Capturing my Journey

By thedoglady

Different Beach

Husband had to go back to the farm where we manage the livestock this morning as he had forgotten to pick up his leatherman which he had used then left on a bit of machinery. We decided to walk the dogs at the beach that neighbours our ground for a change. Especially as our bullocks escaped the other day so good to check they werent hanging around to do it again! They were no where in sight thankfully. 

Then filled up with fuel and petrol for the buggy and home. Big job today for me was de-icing and reorganising all the freezers in preparation for this years meat. Thats 3 chest freezers in the shed and a smaller chest freezer in the house. Found some things I forgot I had! The meat all has a years sell by date so any that are over are then only for us to eat and not for selling. Got a good wee stash for ourselves now including an abundance of discovered beef link sausages i didn't know i still had! I just hope we dont run out of room for all the meat!

Then I sorted out the livestock medicine cupboards (well they are old broken fridges great for storing medicines in as they stop them from getting too warm or too cold in the shed). I went through and checked non were out of date and tided them up then locked them back up again.

Had some more great sessions with Cal really making progress now but still a long way from how he should be but for him hes fantastic!

19c overcast then sunshine and blue sky

Extra is of Breagh at the person gap in the wall for walkers heading onto our ground.

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