Happy in all Circumstances

This sweet little 14 month old has the best disposition and she has every right to be a bit upset. In her short life she has had Liver surgery, months in the hospital, then a liver transplant, more months in the hospital, finally home and then another surgery 2 weeks ago to have her adenoids and tonsils removed......wow! The doctors and nurses call her Smiley! I was there when she was born and she took her first breath with a peace about her. I watched her open her eyes, stretch her arms and look at us with such trust. Life has not been easy for her birth mom or her adoptive mother and father.....but they all love her so much and gathered together tonight to share a meal and celebrate this open adoption full of Love, Compassion and Caring for one another.  Yes, this little girl is happy; we are all blessed by her presence in the world. And we are grateful for the willingness of these two mothers to love each other----- one gave her life and the other is giving her loving daily care. Acceptance of the limitations of being "only" the birth parent.....and the Courage of sharing their time and daughter with someone who is still struggling in life.....is not easy, but it seems to be working beautifully. We are so thankful. How do I fit in this mix? This baby's birth mom is my granddaughter.

Thanks for visiting and sharing my life's journey with me. I am labeling this wild wednesday......you have no idea how wild this journey has been.

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