Reem - a mother's heart

Parents all over the world have in common that they want the best for their children. To live safe, find happiness, have good childhood memories, have values that will help them during life, get an education and a good work, start a family... 

Gaza is called an the largest open prison in the world and has one of the highest densely population in the world. 50 % are under 19 years old.

Parents in Gaza have challenges that most of us in the western world take for granted. Water, electricity, food, lack of health services, no place to hide during attacks and war, lack of treatment for war traumas... The list is long.

The youth in Gaza are like youth most places in the world: they want to dream and pursue their dreams, travel and see the world, get eduction and be able to work.  They are tired of missiles, they are tired of being afraid, of the occupation limiting every move and every thought, they are fed of the political split in Palestine, the lack of international support that make a difference...

Reem knows the terror kids are living in, the impossible mission youth has to live normale, ordinary and healthy, happy lives in Gaza. 

Today she wear her heart on her sleeves. Worrying for her oldest that is the process of leaving childhood and entering the youth. Like mothers all over the world she let her tears drop, keeping calm, staying awake during the hours of night...

I was happy to see her smile when we met for an early breakfast. Her oldest is ok. He conquered the challenges. He is safe. 

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