
By JBruner

Wear That Dress!

I am not comfortable in FRONT of the camera, but today, I asked a friend to grab a picture of me. Thanks, Chantal. Back when I was working out religiously (almost 5 years ago), I hung a dress in my workout room that I bought and wore in 2003 or 2004. I looked at that dress every day as inspiration, knowing that eventually, I would hit the magic number on the scale where I would feel comfortable enough to put the dress back on. Today, I put the dress on and proudly wore it to work, even though I am not yet at that "magic number." Cake. It's like cake to me. The icing on the cake? I grabbed a jacket that is a perfect match for the dress. It was my mother's jacket. I put that jacket on, and it still smells like her. I cried and I smiled … all at the same time. I love and miss you, Mom. I am wearing that dress! We ... especially women … need to stop being so hard on ourselves!

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