Prodigal sons

I left Linton at 3pm to pick up Ben and Amy from Luton Airport (what a mess that is in), and take them directly to the Reading Festival.

Here we are at 7.30pm at some petrol station transferring certain clothing items from one bag to another and buying supplies for the the ones pictured...

The journey has taken me 7 hours, since much of it was crawling along in rush-hour traffic jams, and with the ineffectual air-conditioning on full blast (which is belatedly due to be fixed on Monday).

Happily, for much of it, I had these two for company and have caught up with their news and that they had a fantastic two weeks in Portugal thanks to Andrea and Mike's generosity.

With only some melted chocolate and 'Percy Pigs' for sustenance I made it back to Linton at 10.00pm.... find son James also returned today from his holiday in France.  Spent a happy time catching up with his news and am now enjoying a very welcome glass of wine.  

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