Flower Friday - Letter

I almost forgot!  Sorry Anni.

It was going to be a photo of the letter box with flowers puthering out of the  slot, but it didn't quite work out.  In other words I didn't have time.

But we do have flowers and we do have the letter box, because the hardenbergia is still flowering it's little head off.  This is the front corner of the front garden, and for those who don't know the Australian system of postal delivery, we have letterboxes in the street, at the top of the drive by each property, not in the front door.  That's because it saves time. 

The postie comes along on his little put-put, and stops at each box with the mail.  In the old old days, he used to be on a bicycle and would blow a whistle to let you know you had mail.  These days we only hear the squeal of his brakes when he stops.

The black blob top right is Mish trying to photobomb.  She's not very good at it.

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