A Wave On The Ocean

By Bensholto

This is Monday.

I think this is about the third or fourth time I've blipped this view, or at least a variation on it.
So apologies for doing it again, but I'm still on a learning curve with the ten year old four megapixel camera. The easiest thing for me to do to get to grips with this camera is to go to places I've been to before.

This is the second shot I took of this view today - the first was way too dark, but then in less than three seconds, the clouds cleared behind me and bright sunlight burst through.

PS Feel free to have a gander at my Sunday backblip here - I quite like it, which doesn't happen very often.

And seeing how this little camera is ten years old, I reckon it's almost vintage
in terms of digital cameras, so this is my entry for the 2012 challenge - Vintage.

PPS Thanks for looking, and reading, if you've made it this far.

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