Little Larry Academy

By emyjane2

Larry now

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I was out all day today, when I left this morning, it was torrential rain! When home, after a lay down, I called Larry's name... no sign! Then I tried again half n'hour later & he came like no time at passed, he wasn't angry that I had left him today, but he might be soon, as I am going away for a long weekend Thursday week till the Monday... & I really have to break it slowly to him... friends will feed him, but it won't be me & won't be on a regular basis either... & I know I've said he'll disappear himself soon, but even if he does, I'd still be out there calling his name, if anything to let him know I'm still thinking about him, even though he doesn't come down. This holiday was booked before my mum died, a long time in advance, when I knew that birds would disappear... but at the moment, Larry keeps coming back & am afraid he'll forget me if I don't see him for 4 days or so. :( Feathery xxx's

P.S. Thanks for all the comments from yesterday... I never really look at my photos anymore for photographic merit, I just see Larry & figure, well, it's Larry those blipper's have come to see, so I forget it's also my photography too! :)

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