
By sandi

Olympic statue. Athena



This Cat is a funny little thing

As quiet as a mouse

He sticks his nose up in the air

And wander around the house.

He sits and look out windows

Don't really know what at

I think they're quite a mystery

These feline things called cats.

He has routes around the house

I've noticed that today

To get to his special places

He always goes the same way.

Then he slobs out in the same position

In the same place every night

And then he goes to his same old bed

Without so much as a goodnight.

Not sure what he thought of us

  Moving in his home

He must think his family

Have kind of up and gone.

I bet he thinks we bully him

When we chuck him off the bed

But he doesn't seem to care at all

He just wanders off instead.

And when he pulls his claws on the carpet

And we tell him "don't do that"

He looks at us as if to say;

"That's what I do, get over it,

I do it cause I'm a cat".

Off he goes each morning 

Sometimes With a friend so cute

I wonder what they do all day

Maybe the cats institute.

But one thing we know for sure

Is half hour after we come in

Over the fence he'd appear

Looking for his din.

He is a punctual pussy

Always home on time

I think he has a hidden watch

That tells him when It's nine.

He looks pretty exhausted

From his day on the prowl

So we give him a gentle stroke

And he gives us a meow.

 Today he tore my paper pattern.

I told him that's not clever

I told him I'm trying to make a dress

And he looked at me as if to say: WHA-EVER

So I've anylised this pussy cat

No different from the others

And I'm almost certain if he could talk

He's say .........."look at the face.... not bothered".

Written by Sandra Howard.



This Cat is a funny little thing

As quiet as a mouse

He sticks his nose up in the air

And wander around the house.

He sits and look out windows

Don't really know what at

I think they're quite a mystery

These feline things called cats.

He has routes around the house

I've noticed that today

To get to his special places

He always goes the same way.

Then he slobs out in the same position

In the same place every night

And then he goes to his same old bed

Without so much as a goodnight.

Not sure what he thought of us

  Moving in his home

He must think his family

Have kind of up and gone.

I bet he thinks we bully him

When we chuck him off the bed

But he doesn't seem to care at all

He just wanders off instead.

And when he pulls his claws on the carpet

And we tell him "don't do that"

He looks at us as if to say;

"That's what I do, get over it,

I do it cause I'm a cat".

Off he goes each morning 

Sometimes With a friend so cute

I wonder what they do all day

Maybe the cats institute.

But one thing we know for sure

Is half hour after we come in

Over the fence he'd appear

Looking for his din.

He is a punctual pussy

Always home on time

I think he has a hidden watch

That tells him when It's nine.

He looks pretty exhausted

From his day on the prowl

So we give him a gentle stroke

And he gives us a meow.

 Today he tore my paper pattern.

I told him that's not clever

I told him I'm trying to make a dress

And he looked at me as if to say: WHA-EVER

So I've anylised this pussy cat

No different from the others

And I'm almost certain if he could talk

He's say .........."look at the face.... not bothered".

Written by Sandra Howard.


Erected beginning July outside London City Airport to welcome visitors to London. Enormous bronze statue.

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