Bridge detail

Mr Rat was away on one of his long hill races today (he should be back fairly soon) and I looked to see what I could do. There was a trail race not too far away from his but the timings were all wrong and then I was told about one in Fife.
It was a championship race but open to others and billed to be 11-12k and on trails I've run on before so I decided to go for it, even though I knew it was likely there would be less of the slower people entered.
It was a rather muggy day but not too hot and not much direct sun so not bad for running. It was actually only 10.54k but had nearly 300m of climbing (well divided up) and some great downs and I hope to do it in around 11min miles (mixed units, I know). I managed exactly that and had 3 or 4 people well behind me - though the leaders had done 4 miles when I had only done 2.5!).
The bridge is just near the hall where we registered, the start and finish were another mile and a half up the hill.

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