Up and Down...

Looks like Bethany may have caught Mrs TFP's cooties.

She was all over the place today. Fine in the morning then...

Completely flaked, temperature shooting up, completely burning up and just not happy at all.

Cue the Calpol...

The same couch that was home to her for the last few hours is the same one she is now jumping on. Wee pointless drive into Edinburgh.

Refusing omelette dinner, back to the couch, stripped off, wee chunder, Calpol calling again. Funnily, let me take her down to her nappy but not take her shoes off. It was a special look.

Manages to get the cold omelette down, drinks some water, came up to help put her brother to bed and then toddles off to bed like nothing ever happened. Story and sleep.

Daddy returns to the room and manages to take the shoes off and get her into her jammies without waking her. Result.

If the pattern holds, I may be speaking to her again around midnight.

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