
By LeeAnne

Day 1...

I woke up this morning to an envelope with a card that said:

10.00 - Rise & Shine! Wakey wakey, we have some tickets to collect! Oh and we had best do breakfast and practicalities first!

Well we slept in and got up at 10.30... thus making us run around like headless chickens to get to the ticket office and collect our tickets for the week. We got halfway to our first show and decided we'd never make it there and then back to the next one in time. The tickets were £2.50 so we made the executive decision to go for breakfast first. Breakfast consisted of a bottle of wine (most of which was consumed before our food arrived!) so we started our day a bit squiffy!

12.00 - Joy of Sex - Art Exhibition

Didn't quite make it... no review to be had! The wine was fabulous!

13.15 - Afternoon Delight - Comedy Show

Don't ask us to write a line from a song after we've just consumed a bottle of wine in 20 minutes and expect it to be clean!! Great little show with six comedians who gave us a taster of what their shows are like. All in all a pretty good effort! And the compere was cute!

15.10 - My Stepson Stole My Sonic Screwdriver - Comedy Show

I had no idea this was a Dr Who related show... I told Gem halfway through that I'd never actually seen an episode of Dr Who and she looked at me in horror! She's a Dr Who geek! Still... even for a non-fan this was a really great show and indeed I had a tear at one point.

17.15 - 99.9 Degrees - Drama/Theatre

This was in the Art College which really isn't the best venue in the world. It smells of the school gym and the air con was dire. Pretty much matched the show. It was odd and didn't really have an ending. If that's our culture section over, then neither of us were very impressed.

19.15 - More Light - Theatre/Drama

A little disheartened after the last one, we went in to this one thinking if it was crap we'd sack it halfway. However, I always feel a little bit rude walking out of a show before the end so we stayed. The lead girl had a lovely voice and it was an interesting story... until the bloke turned up and I actually thought he was speaking in another language. In actual fact I think he was a geordie (maybe on the rough side) and I have no idea what he said at all. Still, notwithstanding that, it filled the drama/theatre section and kept us out of the rain!

21.45 - Pretending Things are a Cock! - Comedy

This is when we picked up Chris from Toronto! He was looking for shelter from the rain so came to chat under the safety of the brolly we were under. He's here doing a show with Sharron Matthews, he plays the piano. If we can squeeze it in then we're going to squeeze it in! Turns out he was going to the cock show too... we dragged him along with us! The show was fab! (You're not surprised, I can tell!) If you get a chance to go, you should... very funny guy and a funny show! There was optional participation at the end which Gem took full advantage of, there's photographic evidence of her shark cock!

23.15 - Briefs - Cabaret

This is awesome! You should definitely go see the boys! I have a photo of them for tomorrow (which is actually today now) but I'll hang back in case something else comes along... options and all that! The descriptives I'd use for Briefs are: Australian, tattooed, fit as fuck, camp, talented trannies with more make-up and eyelashes than are decent on blokes but hugely talented and with the ability to appeal to everyone. Really... go see them!

We're knackered now (yes knackered Chris!) so we're taking ourselves to bed as we need to be up at 8.30 tomorrow to do it all again!!

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