Cumbria Here I Come

By marpaul

Derwent Water

What a fantastic day its been today.  I woke up an hour before the alarm so thought I may as well get up.  I was feeling a lot better than yesterday so had a quick breakfast and was parked up by 930 while it was still quiet.  We were near Ashness Bridge by Derwent Water so Misty got a paddle straight away.  We then walked up the hill to Ashness Bridge and took the track towards Walla Crag.  The views of the fells over Derwent Water were spectacular and the thought occurred to me more than once how lucky I am to live in Cumbria.  If it hadn't have been for a change in my circumstances then I would still be in Oxon which is also lovely but a bit flatter than here :)  By the time we left it was very very busy and we were home in time for lunch.  There's one of Misty in Extras.

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