Special Place

When my Dad died way back in August 2002, I stayed with Mum for a week, helping out with arrangement for the funeral, calling family and friends and helping in the house when visitors came.  But every evening I would take Bonnie and walk up the Cemetery and round the Braco road and sit up the Red Brae and think and talk about Dad, shed tears and look at the Ochils and the stunning scenery towards Ben Ledi.

So I headed here after tea tonight, with Breagha this time and walked up the Brae then sat on the Bench and let the memories of Anne and Ed, good times with family go through my head.  I took some photographs too, as it was a wonderful evening with clouds making pictures in the sky.  Ed's ashes are scattered here, and when the family come up in November they will bring hers up here to be scattered too (watch they don't end up in that bloody sheep field, she told Alison her daughter one time they were there!!

It was windy there tonight, which was good as it kept the killer midges at bay....

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